By: Inessa Cutler – 

It was supposed to be our perfect wedding day. At the start the fat Elvis was walking me down the aisle to my soon to be husband, Peter, at the Graceland Wedding Chapel. When Elvis gave me away, all I could feel were the knots in my stomach, as I stood before the judge ready to commit to a lifetime with Peter. The judge began the civil ceremony with the following words, “Family and friends, we welcome you today to witness the marriage of Peter and Inessa.”

For the second time, I fell completely in love with Peter when he looked lovingly into my eyes and said those magical little words of I do. It was my special moment. The judge continuing with the wedding vows asked, Inessa, do you take Peter to be your husband? Will you love, honor, and cherish him, in good times and in bad, and do you promise to stay true to him as long as you both shall live? My voice cracked with exhilaration when I repeated those simple words “I do”.

When it was time to recite those famous words of I Peter, take you Inessa, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forth, to love, honor, and cherish, to comfort and respect, in sorrow or in joy, in hardship or in plenty, so long as we both shall live, Peter had announced them perfectly. I however couldn’t get them right. Instead of saying to have and to hold, I said to faith and to fold. I hadn’t realized what I had done until the judge corrected me. Embarrassed, I repeated them right the second time but I made another mistake. I was supposed to say , to love, honor, and cherish but getting tongue tied, I said to fove, fonour, and ferish. I felt terrible knowing that I was ruining our magic moment.

Next, it was time to exchange the wedding rings. Peter pushed his hands into his pants pockets to get my tiny size four ring only to find it wasn’t there. Ughh was the expression on his face as he confirmed it was neither in his blazer or his vest. All I could do was laugh as I watched Peter frantically rummage through every single piece of his clothing. It was taking so long that the videographer had to stop rolling tape. After ten minutes of searching, I was relieved when Peter announced I found it and we were able to continue with the ceremony.

The rest of the ceremony went smoothly and when the judge proclaimed us as husband and wife, Peter pulled me close and gave me the most amazing kiss. My heart was filled with elation knowing I had the best man in the world.

The wedding didn’t quite go off without a hitch but as we began our life together, we looked at each other and smiled, knowing we were perfect for each other.

By: Inessa Cutler